Please check in是一個專注於提供展覽活動資訊的平台網站,匯集了全球最新的展覽、會議、研討會等活動資訊。使用者可以透過網站搜尋功能,方便地查詢、搜尋、比較不同活動的詳細資訊,並可依照自己的需求設定通知提醒。此外,Please check in還提供展覽活動的報名、訂票等功能,方便參展商和參觀者快速完成活動報名。不論您是活動相關人員或是對展覽活動有興趣的人,Please check in都是您不可或缺的展覽活動資訊平台。

創偲國際企業有限公司 是一家新型商業模式諮詢公司, 通過強大的跨境網絡資源,為客戶提供專業、全面的服務, 包括企業品牌管理和推廣、組織活動、舉辦會議和展覽。 過去三年我們成功舉辦了多個不同類型的線上線下研討會醫療服務、疫苗以及科技發展論壇,聯繫業界人士以創新思維幫助市民在艱難時期解決醫療需求。 近期公司業務專注發展大灣區大健康版塊。 我們還在推廣和設計方案中使用高科技產品。 我們的團隊成員擁有豐富的企業管理和營銷經驗、廣闊的國際視野和創新的思維方式。 我們在香港、澳門、中國地區和國際行業也擁有強大的網絡, 掌握當地的風土人情和行業趨勢。
Idea Excel International Enterprise Limited
Idea Excel is an business consultancy company. We deliver professional and all round services (including brand management and promotion, organizing activities, launching conferences and exhibitions) to our valuable clients through our solid cross border network resources. In the past 3 years, we have organized several ten seminars, webinars and hybrids with various medical associations on medical service, vaccine and technology development. We have successfully linked up with the industry stakeholders to use creative thoughts to help the public to go through the hurdles during this hard time. Recently, focus is put on helping the Hong Kong professionals to gain a “step of development” in the cities of the Greater Bay Area. In addition, we are developing strategies on helping our clients to use technologies to enlarge their service boundaries. Our team members have global visions and creative thinking, solid experiences in management and marketing, we can help our clients to grasp the updated information and the market trends of Hong Kong, Macau and Motherland. Clients can use our quick tips on growing their business in these regions efficiently and effectively.
Our missions
To build a long lasting relationship with our clients by providing tailor made consultancy services, designing most appropriate enterprise management solutions, so as to help them to build up an unique brand and frame and to gain influence in the market. Through organizing conferences, webinars and exhibitions, our clients can explore more business opportunities in our platform in which they can locate their business partners right away